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9.6 34 beoordelingen
  • 10

    Cycle Albania

    A quite outstanding trip that packed so much into a week. The route combines sleepy agricultural areas, grand mountains and spectacular coastline. Varied scenery combined with some excellent places to stop overnight and a couple of interesting sightseeing stops to enjoy aspects of Albania's history in Gjirokaster and Butrint. Inexpensive. Some demanding cycling on excellent bikes.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Nothing to single out: each day seemed so different.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Armand, supported by Marsela. Extremely well organised - everything to do with the bikes, accommodation, meals happened seamlessly (not for them - they worked really hard.) Quite apart from anything else, Armand trialled and selected this excellent route

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Panniers for these bikes were excellent. Can accommodate an extra water bottle which, on long shifts, might be useful.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    The place is a delight. I won't say "unexpected", as I had read some reviews. But it exceeded my expectations in so many ways.

  • 10

    Stunning scenery, great food, excellent guide

    This was my third Exodus trip and I really enjoyed cycling around the southern half of Albania. It was quiet, safe, and beautiful. The weather for our trip at the end of September was excellent; even the big climb on the last day was memorable and rewarding! It's all on-road and, with a few exceptions the roads are quieter and in better condition than most roads in the UK.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    The most memorable place was Gjirokastra, loved the castle and medieval houses, but the feel of the streets around our hotel was great...slow, relaxed, friendly

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Armand guided us with authority and a passion for his country. His desire to show us the best of the food and culture was highly rewarding. He shared his time with all group members whilst out on the road and didn't just forge ahead.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Be careful with hygiene, most trips have upset stomachs for some reason. Take flip-flops for the thermal springs but also for the showers and bathrooms in most hotels.... Be prepare for long but not particularly steep climbs (6%)

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    The return flight gets to Gatwick late on a Tuesday night after a long day which includes a 2-3hr bus trip to Tirana; our advice is to stay at Gatwick (Bloc or Yotel are cheap).

  • 8

    Challenging but definitely worth it

    The tour is more challenging than I expected. I've done several Exodus cycling trips that were rated similarly, but this was tougher than those. Still, definitely worth taking on the challenge -- pace yourself and skip the tough hills if you need to (just don't miss the mountain climb on the last day). Beautiful scenery on quiet roads. Wonderful people -- strangers will see you riding by and give you fruit!

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Definitely the "optional" mountain climb on the last day. I took the leader's advice and skipped the hills exiting Himare earlier in the day and saved myself for 1km vertical gain mountain pass. It was a serious workout -- two hours of constant climbing, but so rewarding to get to the top. Glad a did it that way.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Armand was great -- knowledgeable about Albania and very willing to share his thoughts about anything and everything.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Definitely take your own snacks if you think you'll need them on the ride. The itinerary each day includes fewer rest stops than I'm used to, so you have to make your own breaks if you need it. And be ready for a serious challenge -- the hills are tough and some training on hills before you go would be a really good idea.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    It's so tempting to want to ride every km of this trip -- and if you can, great. But if you find yourself getting worn out, it's a really good idea to skip some of the big hills so you can save your energy for the last day, which is definitely the highlight.

  • 4

    Cycling Albania

    The trip was not rated accurately. The elevation gains were greater than expected, as was the amount of traffic on some of the roads.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    I enjoyed the quiet, although rough (which I expected) rural roads in the mountains and viewing the people and scenery there. As always, I enjoyed the company.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    He was organized and efficient, but could have added much more to the trip by discussing social, historical, natural history and personal stories about his country. He tended to be somewhat cynical and more interested in logistics rather than the people on the trip. He provided a good overview and profile of each day's ride which would have helped in the itinerary trip description Exodus used.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Be prepared for lengthly climbs on narrow roads with considerable traffic, particularly in the sections near the end of the trip. The coastal rides were somewhat repetitive and more like a road biking experience.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10

    Lovely cycling and huge varieties of landscape

    This trip is great for those that want to see a large area of Albania, but with the benefit of the pace of a bicycle. We thoroughly enjoyed it. There was a huge variety of landscapes from remote rural backwaters in the mountains, historical cities and ruins to the beautiful coast with it's clear water and white sands. The group were great too, No moaning at all despite getting wet in the rain and not having much electricity in one hotel.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Getting to the top of the mountain on the last day. Although the guide says it, it is worth saving legs for that last climb as it is a real sense of achievement not to mention the views on the way up and at the top.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    He was very professional and paid attention to numerous details eg providing profiles for people due to previous requests. He had strong views about things, but is clearly committed to providing context and understanding of his country.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Take a waterproof! Also we did not get a meal when we arrived (albeit late), so take some snacks for the bus trip.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 8

    Cycling in Albania 8-15 September 2015

    Very enjoyable holiday giving us a taste of life in the remote mountains and on the Ionian and Adriatic Coast with a very committed engaging guide. The participants were all good company, the locations for lunch and dinner well-chosen and well prepared (our guide always phoned in advance so they were ready having checked which of their dishes we wanted to eat). The cycling route was impressive: the views are extraordinary, with several long climbs, some quite steep, and some hairy descents on roads that were - in the South- the quality of off road. In the heat, cycling up these mountains can be daunting. Even very experienced cyclists found this trip challenging, and considered its "moderate" rating a bit of an underestimate.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Being up in the mountains, with no traffic, almost complete silence, apart from birdsong, cowbells and my own breathing. Very long, fast downhill stretches

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Excellent communicator and planner. Ver approachable. He had everything sorted for us, in advance, responded to our wishes and arranged a programme for us. He seems to know everyone in Albania and to get the best out of them. Despite serious family difficulties (his partner's brother's road accident) he continued to manage the tour in an exemplary professional manner.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Get quite a bit of training in first, to get your head and body fit for long climbs. You don't have to, but you'll enjoy it a lot more (I didn't and I still enjoyed it, but I really wish I'd prepared better). If you like your hair to look good in the evening, take a hairdryer. But no-one will mind what you look like. You won't need much currency, but changing is quite easy and commission free at kiosks on the street, or a little man at the airport. Meals in the mountains about 600-800 lek, on the coast/Tirana 1200. It cost me £100 - but I only drink water. Add around £30 for all drinks. People are very friendly and quite amused by us cycling past. They will try to help if you ask.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Albania really is a fascinating country. The language is unusual, but quite easy to pick up. Have a go at learning a few words before you come (on many sites you can hear as well as see the words/phrases)

  • 10

    Cycling in Albania

    A great trip. Fascinating country and well planned and well organised throughout.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Reaching the top of the 1000 metre mountain pass on the final cycling day. Swimming in the hot springs in the rain was also memorable.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Armand was excellent. Always made sure everyone was OK and enjoying the trip. Organised meals so we didn't have to wait ages to eat (sometimes as issue with large groups). Provided detailed maps and briefings every day. Dealt with any minor issues swiftly. Provided walking tour of Tirana on last day (before evening flight) and arranged excellent tour of the museum which was fascinating.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Be prepared for some toughish hills, rough roads and some rain (at least in September)! Take snacks as these are not provided. Carry an warm/dry top (in the excellent panniers) when cycling in case of regroup waits or meal/coffee stops in colder/wetter weather.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Overall an excellent trip which I would highly recommend. It would be good to have the option of a slightly longer trip (say 10 days) as there is so much to see and we could have easily spent a full day in the Lake Ochrid area at the start.

  • 10


    Loved the trip from beginning to end despite the rain ,the mud splattering and the gruelling ascents! Did not expect the food to be so exceptionally good and so cheap (as was the wine and beer), everything fresh and wholesome, sort of stuff I could live on forever.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    It was all fab, but especially enjoyed the final day's ascent to over 1000m (probably because I felt so much fitter and the sun was shining )

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Armand was quite superb, could not do enough to please us, every detail was looked after and he was hugely informative and passionate about his country.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Just go before Albania gets on the map and becomes another mass tourist destination.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 8

    A trip worth taking

    Beautiful scenery, interesting country, real contrast between the mountainous interior and scenic coastline, lovely food, great weather and lovely friendly people - both locals and in our group. This was definitely a trip worth taking. Cycling was good and like many other reviewers,we thought this was more challenging than its current grading. We couldn't believe how little we spent over the week - though to be honest there wasn't much to buy, other than the essentials.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    I wouldn't say inspirational but waking up on day 1 to find we'd arrived at a stunning lakeside location the night before was a great start to a week that just got better. The guest house stay was a lovely setting at the end of a beautiful but challenging ride on day 1. The final ride over the Llogara pass in temperatures of 33 degrees was - er character building.....

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Very good, well organized, calm and friendly - looked after us well.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Prepare for the challenges of the riding - I don't remember any days that didn't include climbing ( though not particularly steep), but some had more than others - much more enjoyable if you're prepared for that. If you struggle with high temperatures, then earlier or later in the season might be better - June was very hot.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    We've done a number of Exodus cycling trips and thought this was a little different - the first few days in particular did feel like stepping back in time. Would recommend it.

  • 10

    Cycle Albania - Do it

    Great holiday. Who knew Albania is so beautiful. The trip covers a lot of the south - interior and coastline. Great guide - helpful and knowledgeable always taking time to tell us about his country. The maps Armand provided each day with each leg of the route were great as they are a good reminder of the trip (and helps to remind me of the place names!) Some tough climbs but so worth it. Also some exhilarating downhills with very little traffic. Loved the food - although could have done without the chips - I think they were served just for us.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Not caving on a 14% slope and doing the last hard climb all in one go!

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Excellent. Armand was friendly, knowledgeable and very helpful. A great group leader always available to help, take us out to great places to eat and motivate us to ride!

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    A rather tougher 3 rating than some of the others, but so worth it.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Loved the week.

  • 10

    Cycling Albania (MVA)

    If your thinking about booking this trip and not sure... Here is my review. With shameful ignorance I knew almost nothing of Albania before I went, Macedonia way... Ex-communist country... I didn't even know the currency however I have come away with a very good impression of the country and it's friendly people, the food, history, geography and scenery.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Completing a 74km ride, climbing the Llogara Pass at 1000m above sea level and not stopping on very steep inclines at 15%. Long 16km downhill rides. Stunning, beautiful mountain scenery. Meeting a great mix of folk who all got on well with no group nutter (unless it was me???) I hope to ride with some again.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Junid was a safe, quietly knowledgeable group leader who gave clear instructions. Who had the confidence to say enjoy your ride and not stopping to re-group every 30mins. His daily colour printed map of the route with km, elevations and inclines was superb. Junid was passionate about Albania and imparted information in a timely manner. He was a fit and skilful rider flitting from front to back to make sure we (at the back) were ok. He was always helpful, patient and considerate, working quietly away in the background to ensure we had a safe and enjoyable trip.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    1) Albania is not flat! Expect some pretty cheeky climbs. Some days yes the 'moderate' riding grade was entirely appropriate however other days and due to local conditions I would say it was occasionally to the tougher end of 'moderate' So one day started with an 14km potholed road (being re-built), road surface was variable from smooth tarmac to gravel bumpy track. Pretty steep sections that were &gt;10% but only for short stretches. My hired bike was fine some had punctures and chain problems. I brought my own pedals / shoes and a softie gel seat - a blessing. 2) Pack some snacks/treats. Snacks are not common in Albania and after a 30km morning ride when you stop for a coffee to find it is 'only' coffee that can trigger a 'hangry' moment. Breakfasts were fine but basic, consisting of eggs, bread and cheese occasionally some cereal. (If your coeliac do bring your own) Lunch and dinner is simple with salads, breads, meat or fish. 3) I went in May... However pack for full Alpine weather. So yes... those thermals, gloves, waterproofs and certainly a jumper as it got pretty cold in the evening. Junid did say this was unusual weather - the worst in 5 years! 4) You ride on the right!

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    If a hairdryer is required to tame the mane then bring one. (Only 1 hotel out of 7 had one) Bring a multi plug adaptor so you can stick 2/3 things to charge into 1 point. (Some rooms only had 1or2 plug sockets) Most hotels had free wifi - although intermittent signal. Saddle cream to reduce friction. Wine is ok... Chocolate.... not really available. It's fab country for vegetarians as most of the food is really tasty veggie stuff. A small portion of meat is bought out at the end of the meal. They don't generally do puddings - Again pack that snack if you just fancy some sweet to complete your meal. Rurally you can budget for £10-15 a day, once you hit the towns £15-30 per day. If your undecided - Just GO!!! Go now and see this amazing country that's emerging from the clutch of communism, is still rustic, rural, basic and beautiful. Go before it gets commercialised with the globalised chains of fast food and coffee shops. BTW the currency is the Albanian Lek is about £1 = 175 lek - get a healthy chunk at the airport as for the next 3 days there are no ATMs. USD and Euro were preferred to GBP. Have fun and enjoy your ride;)

  • 10

    Scenic splendour and cycling endeavour

    This was a splendid trip, made all the better by the staggering beauty of the Albanian mountains and countryside and the excellent company of all on the tour. The cycling was immense, challenging all of us on the tour with the long and arduous climbs and then providing thrills and big smiles as we sped down the long, winding descents with endless views stretching ahead of us. The first half of the trip is in the mountains but then descends to the coast for a day or two before climbing once again for more mountain scenery and finishing with a long descent to the final hotel, once more on the coast. A good variety of scenery and culture that provides an excellent taster of life in present day Albania as the country moves from its communist past and trys to adapt to modern day capitalism and all the challenges that this poses.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Undoubtedly the accomplishment of tackling and overcoming the serious climbs on this trip. All of the tour were experienced cyclists, yet none found climbing in the heat anything but a challenge. However, the splendour of the Albanian mountains all around us as we climbed eased the task of reaching the summits on every occasion and the camerarderie of the group was much in evidence throughout. Probably most inspirational were two of our travelling companions, 78 and 79 years old respectively, who tackled the climbs without complaint and earned our utmost respect.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Dhimo was a good leader, calm and amusing, and he soon joined in with the generally humourous and irreverent conversation of the group. He organised snacks, group lunches and dinners every day which made everything very convenient and easy. Together with our driver it was a good team and added greatly to our overall enjoyment of the trip.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Don't rely on credit cards - we did not find any hotel or restaurant that would take them. Exchange a small amount of money in the airport (the exchange rate was 155 Leke to the Pound) to last a few days in the mountains and then use an ATM in one of the larger towns. In practice, our leader paid for everything food related and we reimbursed him at the end of the week, but this may not be the same for every trip or tour leader in Albania. Note that the cycling really does have some challenging climbs and you will definitely benefit if you are cycle fit before arrival. There are three days of very serious climbing (the first day and the final two days - approx 5000, 5200 and 6750 feet respectively) but the views are spectacular and the downhills immense. Very enjoyable but tough. The panniers provided are excellent and our tour (all experienced cyclists) made good use of them, so a rucksack is not needed when cycling.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    The quality of the food on this trip was always to a very good standard but, probably as should be expected in a country such as Albania, became quite "samey" - if you don't like most meals consisting mainly of goats cheese, simple salad and bread (this included many breakfasts, but fried eggs were added to this meal) then the cuisine may not be for you. Having said that, this is the staple food of the common man in Albania so we were very accepting of it. At the end of the tour when we reached larger towns, the dinners had greater choices. Our leader provided snacks from the tour kitty, and these supplemented our fuel intake.

  • 10

    Cycling in Albania

    When you told friends you were going to Albania you got some puzzled looks but this exceeded all expectations! Albania can have a negative image in some people's minds but nothing about this trip would re-enforce that view. The landscapes are stunning, the people a delight, the food so natural and healthy I might even have lost weight and the cycling and companionship was first class. There is cycling to challenge and overall I would rate this as a 4 not 3 Moderate. This last day, if you ride it all, would rate more like a 6. The cultural aspects blend well with the cycling and there is a very good mix of places to visit. The trip notes describe the whole trip very well.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Great country, exhilarating cycling and wonderful people. Just being there with an exceptional group of people.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    The guys Armand and Junid are excellent, mixing well with the group, great job guys.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Food and drink are very cheap, only needed £130 converting to cover the whole week with a couple of souvenirs thrown in. Felt very safe, there was never a mention of needing to be careful about valuables etc. Bikes were often left un-secured overnight.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10

    Cycling in Albania

    An excellent trip which exceeded expectations. The trip seeks out some of the more spectacular scenery that the country has to offer. The hire bikes were excellent, 30 speed, front suspension and disc brakes, necessary to cope with the sometimes poor surfaces. Arm

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    None, it was a joy from start to finish.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Armand and Junid were a great team, their enthusiasm and helpfulness never flagging.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Do it, you won't be disappointed! Get some cycling in before you go as some days are quite demanding, but you always as much time as you like to get to your destination.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10

    when you told friends you were going to Albania you got some puzzled looks but this exceeded all expectations!

    Albania can have a negative image in some people's minds but nothing about this trip would re-enforce that view. The landscapes are stunning, the people a delight, the food so natural and healthy I might even have lost weight and the cycling and companionship was first class. There is cycling to challenge and overall I would rate this as a 4 not 3 Moderate. This last day, if you ride it all, would rate more like a 6. The cultural aspects blend well with the cycling and there is a very good mix of places to visit. The trip notes describe the whole trip very well.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Great country, exhilarating cycling and wonderful people. Just being there with an exceptional group of people.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    The guys Armand and Junid are excellent, mixing well with the group, great job guys.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Food and drink are very cheap, only needed £130 converting to cover the whole week with a couple of souvenirs thrown in. Felt very safe, there was never a mention of needing to be careful about valuables etc. Bikes were often left un-secured overnight.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10


    This is a fantastic trip and it definitely exceeded my expectations! The scenery was beautiful and varied, the food was really delicious and so fresh! The cycling was perfect, a good mix of some more relaxed days with a couple of more challenging days and climbs. The people are super friendly and the guides were very helpful!

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Completing the long climb on the last day overlooking the beautiful Albanian coastline!

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Excellent guides, very knowledgeable, helpful and well organised.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10

    Started off fraught…but ended up being amazing…!!

    Started off fraught…but ended up being amazing…!!

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    So this is how the story goes… One wet and rainy Tuesday morning is was chucking it down in the South East.. so all of the Motorways were bent as usual on the way to Gatwick, I finally got there at 1445 with the flight due to leave at 1615 I thought great I had made it, so queued up with the rest of the passengers to check the Bike and the rest of the Baggage in…and then I checked my Passport and guess what?? – yes it was the wrong one, I had picked my Wife’s up by mistake, there was me the biggest pl!”$ker of the day… It was a pretty bad feeling having arrived to suddenly find out that the Holiday was over even before it started… So decisions had to be made so I rang the Exodus office to see what we could do… I spoke to Marcus Fisher (what an amazing guy), he came up with all of the various options of how I could still join the trip even though it was on day 2, I ended up going back to Derby to fetch the Passport, flew to Istanbul and then Tirana, staying overnight and then a 4 hour Cab ride to join the group…and Exodus sorted it all out for me – so the customer service here was amazing – Thanks to Marcus and the team on the ground in Albania!! – I am in your debt

    What did you think of your group leader?

    So to the holiday itself…everything was absolutely spot on…Unit the leader was one of the best I have ever come across and I have been on a lot of adventures over the years!! The group was great, the scenery amazing and the food was lovely…this was my first cycling holiday with Exodus and will be back for another one next year, I fancy Iceland Albania is a great place and I could not recommend it enough, Exodus have thought of everything so you will love it

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    One word of warning, please do some training for the climbs…you will be glad you did!!

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    So here endeth the story and once again thanks Exodus for getting me out of the ‘*!”$’

  • 10

    Beautiful Albania!

    Had read the reviews before going and it lived up to expectations! Fab scenery, food and great cycles!

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Staying on the bike and not taking the van!!! Was not always on the bike ( especially on the last day)

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Arian ( ? Correct spelling) cycled with us every day. He was initially quiet and reserved but as the trip progressed he was more relaxed and really looked after us very well. Just a lovely guy! Armaund was very organised and everything went smoothly!

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    I have done about 7 to 8 moderate trips!! In my opinion this was a Challenging trip. Doing 2 cycles (what I did) is not enough preparation for this trip!! PLEASE do HILLS before you go!!!

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Great cycling!

  • 8

    Cycling in Albania: Big Hills, great food!

    Cycling in Albania is not easy, but is rewarding. The views commanded from some of the many climbs were spectacular. We enjoyed staying in some of the more remote parts of the country and then on to the slightly more commercialised coast. The evenings were great fun, with superb food, and an interesting group of cyclists. Despite the mixed ability almost everyone completed every ride including the final climb over Llogara pass.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Undoubtedly the climb up the Llogara pass felt like quite an achievement.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Dhimo (Group Leader) and Juli (Driver/Support) were fantastic. A great couple of guys. Attentive to all our needs, sociable and informative.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    We travelled late Sept and it was a cooler than expected early morning and in the evenings. Definitely pay attention to the grading and daily ascents in the trip notes. It's not an easy trip. The notes describe it being chilly at the top of the Llogara pass. You soon cool down and then it feels pretty cold. We were all very pleased to take refuge in the bar at the top and glad to be served soup for lunch in the bar a few minutes into the descent. The lunches everywhere are huge and delicious. You won't go hungry.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10


    A wonderful trip to an interesting country that few of us know much about. The cycling was - well, I think challenging is the word for the first and last day - certainly at the upper end of "moderate" if not beyond moderate, and that would include the opinion of the very experienced cyclists in the group - but don't let that put you off, as my wife and I, who cycle maybe 10 miles a week at the most, all on the flat, coped with the very mountainous terrain and significant distances. Food was great, if a bit monotonous (and good for non-meat eaters), accommodation varied from a little basic (but perfectly clean and acceptable) in the more rural areas, to fairly good in other areas. Roads were a bit mixed, with quite a lot of areas of potholes and uneven surfaces; traffic was very light and very respectful of cyclists; people were very friendly (although there is not much people-to-people contact), and the landscape was beautiful

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Succeeding in reaching the top of the pass on the last day!

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Excellent - personable, informative, excellent English, great cyclist, adapted well to changing conditions and a group of mixed abilities

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Go! Don't be misled by very-outdated tales of Albania as lawless and full of criminals . . . it is quite the opposite . . . you will feel very safe everywhere. I would suggest doing what we did - spend a day or two (no more) in Tirana before the trip to get a little oriented, see the capital, learn about Albania and Albanians.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Pretty much everything in Albania is cheap, and standards of everything were much higher than I would have expected from what is almost the poorest country in Europe, and it is remarkable how they have recovered from decades of North Korean-like life without violence or ethnic or religious strife - an inspiration to us all

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